Employee and team performance is updated in real time and shown on an intuitive screen.
Alerts and notifications reach the collaborator indicating their rewards, trophies, training and much more!
Each contributor customizes their account, editing their data, choosing their avatar and leaving everything with their face!
Posts, comments, likes and shares ensure dynamic and assertive interaction between your teams.
Any action can receive real-time feedback!
Training, tests and tests on the platform itself with indicators and metrics!
A social network for your company with interactions from your employees!
Find out who are the team members with the best performances!
Customization to meet all the specificities of your company!
The platform analyzes the user profile to understand its use!
The data collected with Machine Learning is intelligently available to the user!
Enable real reward redemptions with earned coins!
Integration with the main CRMs on the market to bring all your data and metrics!
Gamification is the methodology of deriving all the fun and engaging elements found in games and applying them to the real world or corporate activities. The Gamification process has as its main pillar the "focus on the human being and motivation" in carrying out its activities. Traditionally, management systems and methodologies are focused on functions and consequently on the tasks that each person is required to perform.
For decades or centuries, games have learned to dominate people's motivation and engagement, as they were created exactly for that. And within this context, the concept of Gamification was born, which is based on all this learning to apply the dynamics and mechanics present in games in real-life situations, such as corporate activities or training.
Using Gamification taps into a participant's emotions and easily demonstrates the best activities an audience can complete that impact mutually shared goals. As people perform activities, they receive immediate feedback on performance and guide next steps towards new achievements.
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2369, cj. 1102,
São Paulo/SP, 01452-922
Avenida Primeiro de Dezembro, N.41, Pav. Q, 2715-109
Pêro Pinheiro - Lisboa - Portugal
Avenida Irala 452, Oficina 2,
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia